Metal-free crowns

In our laboratory you can order the manufacture of dentures made of zirconium or porcelain. Such constructions in dental practice are combined into a single category — all these are prostheses made of metal-free ceramics. There are three types of such prostheses:

  • All—ceramic — made of porcelain;
  • All-zirconium — made of zircon oxide;
  • Prostheses made of a zirconium frame covered with a ceramic composite.

Metal-free ceramic prostheses have a number of advantages over other designs:

  • They look natural, visually do not differ from natural teeth;
  • A dark stripe does not appear on the border with the gum over time;
  • Biologically compatible with gum and tooth tissues, do not cause allergies;
  • Have high strength;
  • They serve up to 15-20 years without loss of properties.

The production of dentures made of zirconium and ceramics is carried out in our laboratory using high-tech methods, including computer modeling. E-max prostheses are made of glass ceramics or zirconium dioxide. They differ from metal-ceramic ones by the absence of a metal frame and an absolutely natural appearance in any light and from any angle of view.
